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Parent Consultations 18th/19th April

Dear Parents and Carers,


We are very much looking forward to seeing you at the Parent Consultations tonight and tomorrow evening. Hopefully you will have made a note of the time you booked when you made your appointment, however if for any reason you have forgotten then please give us a call and we will confirm your appointment time.


When you arrive for your appointment, if it is before 3.40pm please come to the main reception and wait in the foyer; the teachers will collect you from there. If your appointment is after this time, please come to Class Japan (Y3/4)-the classroom at the front of the school, where you will be able to sit down and wait for your child’s Class Teacher to collect you. There will be a whiteboard outside prompting you to the classroom for waiting.


Please be aware that these appointments are limited to 10 minutes slots per child. We endeavour to ensure that all information is passed on during this time, but should you need a longer appointment this will be offered for a later date to ensure that we see parents on time. Please ensure that you are on time for your appointment as this can also cause a teacher to over run on appointments and create a backlog for waiting parents.


We hope you find the appointments useful and very much look forward to seeing you at the appointments and sharing the many successes of your child(ren).


Best Wishes,


Sam Eden


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