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We are very pleased to be able to provide the report for the school inspection carried out by OFSTED in December 2022. We are delighted to have this validation as this report truly reflects the hard work, passion and dedication of all members of our school community to ensure that Ancaster Church of England Primary School is being the 'best we can be'. To demonstrate this further, we are looking closely at all the areas of our 'GOOD' school so that we are continuously showing further improvement in our drive to ensure that every child recieves the highest quality education they deserve. 

Click here to view the school's OFSTED inspection report from December 2022

As a school community, we are incredibly proud of what we continue to achieve. The report highlights many key strengths of our school, including: 

  • 'Parents and carers are overwhelmingly postive.' 'The strength of relationships between staff and the school community is very positive. There is a shared endeavour to help pupils flourish.'
  • 'Pupils enjoy their learning, have positive attitudes and are aspirational. Pupils want to do their best.'
  • 'Staff have very high expectations of all pupils. They prioritise pupils' personal and academic development.'
  • 'Pupils are a credit to the school. They behave well and focus during lessons.'
  • 'Governors and representatives of the local authority offer support and robust challenge to leaders and staff. Leaders are very effective.'
  • 'Leaders have created a strong culture of safeguarding. Governors regularly check the safeguarding procedures. Staff know how to spot pupils who may be at risk and pass on concerns promptly.'

As a school, we are commited to responding to all levels of feedback. Recently, Oftsed launched the website 'Parent View' which gives you the chance to tell them what you think about your child's school. Parent View asks for your opinion on 12 aspects of your child's school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and behaviour. If you would like to access the site then please click on the link below.