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Collective Worship

At Ancaster we believe that collective worship and sharing time together is a crucial part of our broader school life. Worship is carried out every day in the school hall with all children attending. Each Friday we hold a ‘celebration’ awards worship. Children will also be involved in collective worship in their classrooms. These acts of collective worship will reflect the vision, values and aims of our school.

The acts of Worship are led by either the Headteacher or a member of staff and take place at 2.55pm each day. On occasions we may also have visitors come in to deliver and share Worship with us for example members of the Clergy or visitors related to a certain theme.

The theme for the Worship is the same for the whole term and this term the theme is 'Thankfulness'. Worships link to our school values, Christian festivals and key important dates in the Christian calendar. We work closely with the children to ensure the topics we discuss are relevant and meaningful to the children and staff in attendance.

Parents are entitled to withdraw their child from Collective Worship if they wish, however, we urge parents considering this option to speak with the Headteacher, prior to the admission of their child into Ancaster as everybody is able to learn and grow from attending Collective Worship regardless of religious preferences or beliefs.


Saying prayers together is an important part of everyday life at Ancaster. We say different prayers at different times of the day and it would be really useful if you could help your child to learn them. During worship we also encourage the children to make up and say their own prayers so that they recognise that they can have their own conversations with God whenever they like – these often go along the lines of: thanking God for something, saying sorry for something and asking for help.

Our Prayer Team

At the end of each day, our wonderful Prayer Team make their way to each class across the school to lead them in our end of the day prayers. The children leading this take great pride in their role, which gives them a key time to connect with the other classes, whilst inviting other children to join them in a moment of prayer and reflection. 

Our School Prayer

This prayer is linked to our vision, guiding lights and values and is said in Worship as well as at meetings and other key times of the day/week.

Father God,

Thank you for being loving and welcoming;help our school family include everybody and treat all with respect.

Thank you for giving us stories to learn more about you; help us to be explorers who seek out wisdom.

Thank you for your Son, Jesus, who showed everyone how to have courage; help empower us to know that we can make the world a better place,


The Lord's Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven,
Hallowed be your name.
Your Kingdom done,
Thy will be done,
On Earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
Forgive us our sins,
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
The power and the glory
 For ever and ever
