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Curriculum Intent

Curriculum Intent Statement

Inspired by our school's Christian vision, our curriculum is built upon 4 Guiding Lights: Inclusivity, Exploration, Empowerment, Values-Led. These Guiding Lights, taken directly from the vision have helped shape the wider curriculum offered by Ancaster Church of England Primary School. Our curriculum intent statement further explains how our curriculum has been crafted.

Our exciting and engaging curriculum seeks to encourage children’s curiosity whilst developing a lifelong love of learning.  Our curriculum is mapped to the National Curriculum expectations which equips children with the essential knowledge, skills and vocabulary from the full scope of the primary curriculum. We have tailored our curriculum to provide challenging learning opportunities for every child to reach their full potential and ensure that they are prepared for their next stage of education and development. The curriculum also puts Personal, Social, Economic and Health Education (PSHE) and strong pastoral care at its core to support and engage our most vulnerable learners as well as to nurture the health and emotional wellbeing of our whole school community.

Organised and sequenced to secure and deepen understanding, our curriculum is designed to ensure that explicit connections between different subject areas are identified and explored in order to make learning memorable.Each year, the children’s identified learning builds upon previously taught content in clearly mapped out, sequential units which detail the knowledge, skills and vocabulary from Reception through to Year 6.

Timely retrieval opportunities are carefully planned and scaffolded throughout our curriculum enabling children to strengthen and remember previously taught knowledge which improves fluent recall and independence.

Specific vocabulary is progressively mapped to provide children with the ability to continuously develop language acquisition. In order to provide our children with the skills to access learning, we place a high value on the promotion of oracy and reading to ensure high quality outcomes in every aspect of the curriculum.

We have designed the curriculum to develop and promote learning that stretches beyond the academic. We recognise the importance of providing a range of opportunities that enrich the wider curriculum and enable children to experience learning through a range of different contexts. These enrichment opportunities are carefully planned to ensure that associated knowledge is able to be retrieved and built upon in order to further strengthen understanding.

Our curriculum promotes our core Christian values of wisdom, courage and respect and enables pupils to understand the significance of our local, national and global context; making positive contributions to their community and society.

In order to meet the needs of all children, our curriculum is adaptive and flexible.  Regular opportunities for evaluation, involving all stakeholders, are planned so that our provision continues to have maximum impact enabling our children to be the best they can be.